Source code for rios.imagereader

Contains the ImageReader class

# This file is part of RIOS - Raster I/O Simplification
# Copyright (C) 2012  Sam Gillingham, Neil Flood
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os
import sys
import copy
import numpy
from osgeo import gdal
from . import imageio
from . import inputcollection
from . import readerinfo
from . import rioserrors

if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    # hack for Python 3 which uses str instead of basestring
    # we just use basestring
    basestring = str

DEFAULTWINDOWXSIZE = int(os.getenv('RIOS_DFLT_BLOCKXSIZE', default=256))
DEFAULTWINDOWYSIZE = int(os.getenv('RIOS_DFLT_BLOCKYSIZE', default=256))
DEFAULTOVERLAP = int(os.getenv('RIOS_DFLT_OVERLAP', default=0))

[docs]class ImageIterator(object): """ Class to allow iteration across an ImageReader instance. Do not instantiate this class directly - it is created by ImageReader.__iter__(). See for a description of how this works. There is another way, see: but it seemed too much like Windows 3.1 programming which scared me! Returns a tuple containing an ReaderInfo class, plus a numpy array for each iteration """ def __init__(self,reader): # reader = an ImageReader instance self.reader = reader self.nblock = 0 # start at first block def __iter__(self): # For iteration support - just return self. return self
[docs] def next(self): # for Python 2.x return self.__next__()
def __next__(self): # for iteration support. Raises a StopIteration # if we have read beyond the end of the image try: # get ImageReader.readBlock() to do the work # this raises a OutsideImageBounds exception, # but the iteration protocol expects a # StopIteration exception. returnTuple = self.reader.readBlock(self.nblock) except rioserrors.OutsideImageBoundsError: raise StopIteration() # look at the next block next time self.nblock += 1 return returnTuple
[docs]class ImageReader(object): """ Class that reads a single file, a list or dictionary of files and iterates through them block by block **Example** :: import sys from rios.imagereader import ImageReader reader = ImageReader(sys.argv[1]) for (info, block) in reader: block2 = block * 2 """ def __init__(self, imageContainer, footprint=DEFAULTFOOTPRINT, windowxsize=DEFAULTWINDOWXSIZE, windowysize=DEFAULTWINDOWYSIZE, overlap=DEFAULTOVERLAP, statscache=None, loggingstream=sys.stdout, layerselection=None): """ imageContainer is a filename or list or dictionary that contains the filenames of the images to be read. If a list is passed, a list of blocks is returned at each iteration, if a dictionary a dictionary is returned at each iteration with the same keys. footprint can be either INTERSECTION, UNION or BOUNDS_FROM_REFERENCE windowxsize and windowysize specify the size of the block to be read at each iteration overlap specifies the number of pixels to overlap between each block statscache if specified, should be an instance of readerinfo.StatisticsCache. If None, cache is created per instance of this class. If doing multiple reads on same datasets, consider having a single instance of statscache between all instances of this class. Set loggingstream to a file like object if you wish logging about resampling to be sent somewhere else rather than stdout. layerselection, if given, should be of the same type as imageContainer, that is, if imageContainer is a dictionary, then layerselection should be a dictionary with the same keys, and if imageContainer is a list, then layerselection should be a list of the same length. The elements in layerselection should always be lists of layer numbers, used to select only particular layers to read from the corresponding input image. Layer numbers use GDAL conventions, i.e. start at 1. Default reads all layers. """ # grab the imageContainer so we can always know what # type of container they passed in self.imageContainer = imageContainer if isinstance(imageContainer,dict): # Convert the given imageContainer into a list suitable for # the standard InputCollection. imageList = [] self.layerselectionList = [] # The image names, in a fixed order, so that everything can use the same order. self.imagenamesOrdered = sorted(imageContainer.keys()) for name in self.imagenamesOrdered: filename = imageContainer[name] if isinstance(filename, list): # We have actually been given a list of filenames, so tack then all on to the imageList imageList.extend(filename) elif isinstance(filename, basestring): # We just have a single filename imageList.append(filename) else: msg = "Dictionary must contain either lists or strings. Got '%s' instead" % type(filename) raise rioserrors.ParameterError(msg) # Layer selection for this filename. thisLayerSelection = None if layerselection is not None and name in layerselection: thisLayerSelection = layerselection[name] if isinstance(filename, list): self.layerselectionList.extend([thisLayerSelection for fn in filename]) else: self.layerselectionList.append(thisLayerSelection) elif isinstance(imageContainer,basestring): # they passed a string, just make a list out of it imageList = [imageContainer] if layerselection is not None: self.layerselectionList = [layerselection] else: self.layerselectionList = [None] else: # we hope they passed a tuple or list. Don't need to do much imageList = imageContainer if layerselection is not None: self.layerselectionList = layerselection else: self.layerselectionList = [None for fn in imageList] # create an InputCollection with our inputs self.inputs = inputcollection.InputCollection(imageList,loggingstream=loggingstream) # save the other vars self.footprint = footprint self.windowxsize = windowxsize self.windowysize = windowysize self.overlap = overlap self.statscache = statscache # just create a new instance of the AttributeTableCache # possibly this should be passed in like statscache so the # attributes can be cached between instances of ImageReader # but considering retrieving an attribute nowhere as expensive # as getting global statistics, probably overkill. self.ratcache = readerinfo.AttributeTableCache() self.loggingstream = loggingstream # these are None until prepare() is called self.workingGrid = None = None def __len__(self): # see # need to be created so run prepare() if is None: self.prepare() # get the total number of blocks for image (xtotalblocks,ytotalblocks) = # return the total number of blocks as our len() return xtotalblocks * ytotalblocks def __getitem__(self,key): # see # for indexing, returns tuple from readBlock() # need to be created so run prepare() if is None: self.prepare() # if they have passed a negative block - count # back from the end if key < 0: # get total number of blocks (xtotalblocks,ytotalblocks) = # add the key (remember, its negative) key = (xtotalblocks * ytotalblocks) + key if key < 0: # still negative - not enough blocks raise KeyError() try: # get readBlock() to do the work # this raises a OutsideImageBounds exception, # but the container protocol expects a # KeyError exception. returnTuple = self.readBlock(key) except rioserrors.OutsideImageBoundsError: raise KeyError() return returnTuple def __iter__(self): # see # need to be created so run prepare() if is None: self.prepare() # return in ImageIterator instance # with a reference to this object return ImageIterator(self)
[docs] def allowResample(self, resamplemethod="near", refpath=None, refgeotrans=None, refproj=None, refNCols=None, refNRows=None, refPixgrid=None, tempdir='.', useVRT=False): """ By default, resampling is disabled (all datasets must match). Calling this enables it. Either refgeotrans, refproj, refNCols and refNRows must be passed, or refpath passed and the info read from that file. tempdir is the temporary directory where the resampling happens. By default the current directory. resamplemethod is the method used - must be supported by gdalwarp. This can be a single string if all files are to be resampled by the same method, or a list or dictionary (to match what passed to the constructor) contain the methods for each file. If resampling is needed it will happen before the call returns. """ # set the reference in our InputCollection self.inputs.setReference(refpath, refgeotrans, refproj, refNCols, refNRows, refPixgrid) if isinstance(resamplemethod, basestring): # turn it into a list with the same method repeated resamplemethodlist = [resamplemethod] * len(self.inputs) elif isinstance(resamplemethod, dict): # dictionary - check they passed a dictionary to the constructor # and the keys match if not isinstance(self.imageContainer, dict): msg = 'Can only pass a dictionary if a dictionary passed to the constructor' raise rioserrors.ParameterError(msg) elif sorted(self.imageContainer.keys()) != sorted(resamplemethod.keys()): msg = ('Dictionary keys must match those passed to the constructor, '+ 'constructor keys = %s, resample keys = %s') % (self.imageContainer.keys(), resamplemethod.keys()) raise rioserrors.ParameterError(msg) else: # create a list out of the dictionary in the same way as the constructor does resamplemethodlist = [] for name in self.imagenamesOrdered: method = resamplemethod[name] if isinstance(method, list): # We have actually been given a list of method, so tack then all on to the resamplemethodlist resamplemethodlist.extend(method) elif isinstance(method, basestring): # We just have a single method resamplemethodlist.append(method) else: msg = "Dictionary must contain either lists or strings. Got '%s' instead" % type(method) raise rioserrors.ParameterError(msg) else: # we assume they have passed a list/tuple if len(resamplemethod) != len(self.inputs): msg = 'must pass correct number of resample methods' raise rioserrors.ParameterError(msg) resamplemethodlist = resamplemethod try: # resample all in collection to reference self.inputs.resampleAllToReference(self.footprint, resamplemethodlist, tempdir, useVRT) finally: # if the user interrupted, then ensure all temp # files removed. self.inputs.cleanup()
[docs] def prepare(self, workingGrid=None): """ Prepare to read from images. These steps are not done in the constructor, but are done just before reading in case allowResample() is called which will resample the inputs. The pixelGrid instance to use as the working grid can be passed in case it is not to be derived from the images to be read or is different from that passed to allowResample """ # if resampled has happened then they should all match if not self.inputs.checkAllMatch(): msg = 'Inputs do not match - must enable resampling' raise rioserrors.ResampleNeededError(msg) if workingGrid is None: # set the working grid based on the footprint self.workingGrid = self.inputs.findWorkingRegion(self.footprint) else: # user supplied self.workingGrid = workingGrid # create a statscache if not passed to constructor. # Created once per dataset so stats # only have to be calculated once per image - it # returns cached value for subsequent calls. if self.statscache is None: self.statscache = readerinfo.StatisticsCache() # create a ReaderInfo class with the info it needs # a copy of this class is passed with each iteration = readerinfo.ReaderInfo(self.workingGrid, self.statscache, self.ratcache, self.windowxsize, self.windowysize, self.overlap, self.loggingstream)
[docs] def readBlock(self,nblock): """ Read a block. This is normally called from the __getitem__ method when this class is indexed, or from the ImageIterator when this class is being iterated through. A block is read from each image and returned in a tuple along with a ReaderInfo instance. nblock is a single index, and will be converted to row/column. """ # need to be created so run prepare() if is None: self.prepare() # do a shallow copy of the ReaderInfo. # this copy will have the fields filled in # that relate to the whole image. # We will then fill in the fields that relate # to this block. # This means that calls to read other blocks # wont clobber the per block info, and user # writing back into the object wont stuff up # the system # because it is a shallow copy, statscache should # still be pointing to a single object info = copy.copy( # get the size of the are we are to read (xsize,ysize) = info.getTotalSize() # get the number of blocks are to read (xtotalblocks,ytotalblocks) = info.getTotalBlocks() # check they asked for block is valid if nblock >= (xtotalblocks * ytotalblocks): raise rioserrors.OutsideImageBoundsError() # convert the block to row/column yblock = nblock // xtotalblocks xblock = nblock % xtotalblocks # set this back to our copy of the info object info.setBlockCount(xblock,yblock) # calculate the coords of this block in pixels xcoord = xblock * self.windowxsize ycoord = yblock * self.windowysize # convert this to world coords blocktl = imageio.pix2wld( info.getTransform(), xcoord, ycoord ) # work out the bottom right coord for this block nBlockBottomX = (( xblock + 1 ) * self.windowxsize) nBlockBottomY = (( yblock + 1 ) * self.windowysize) # make adjuctment if we are at the edge of the image # and there are smaller blocks if nBlockBottomX > xsize: nBlockBottomX = xsize if nBlockBottomY > ysize: nBlockBottomY = ysize # work out the world coords for the bottom right blockbr = imageio.pix2wld( info.getTransform(), nBlockBottomX, nBlockBottomY ) # set this back to our copy of the info object info.setBlockBounds(blocktl,blockbr) # work out number of pixels of this block blockwidth = nBlockBottomX - xcoord blockheight = nBlockBottomY - ycoord # set this back to our copy of the info object info.setBlockSize(blockwidth,blockheight) # start creating our tuple. Start with an empty list # and append the blocks. blockList = [] try: i = 0 # read all the files using our iterable InputCollection for (image,ds,pixgrid,nullValList,datatype) in self.inputs: # get the pixel coords for this block for this file tl = imageio.wld2pix(pixgrid.makeGeoTransform(),blocktl.x,blocktl.y) # just read in the dataset (will return how many layers it has) # will just use the datatype of the image block = self.readBlockWithMargin(ds,int(round(tl.x)),int(round(tl.y)),blockwidth,blockheight, datatype, margin=self.overlap, nullValList=nullValList, layerselection=self.layerselectionList[i]) # add this block to our list blockList.append(block) # set the relationship between numpy array # and dataset in case the user needs the dataset object # and/or the original filename info.setBlockDataset(block, ds, image) i += 1 finally: # if there is any exception thrown here, make # sure temporary resampled files are deleted. # doesn't seem the destructor is called in this case. self.inputs.cleanup() if isinstance(self.imageContainer,dict): # we need to use the original keys passed in # to the constructor and return a dictionary blockDict = {} i = 0 for name in self.imagenamesOrdered: filename = self.imageContainer[name] if isinstance(filename, list): listLen = len(filename) blockDict[name] = [] for j in range(listLen): blockDict[name].append(blockList[i]) i += 1 elif isinstance(filename, basestring): blockDict[name] = blockList[i] i += 1 # blockContainer is a dictionary blockContainer = blockDict elif isinstance(self.imageContainer,basestring): # blockContainer is just a single block blockContainer = blockList[0] else: # blockContainer is a tuple blockContainer = tuple(blockList) # return a tuple with the info object and # our blockContainer return (info, blockContainer)
[docs] @staticmethod def readBlockWithMargin(ds, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, datatype, margin=0, nullValList=None, layerselection=None): """ A 'drop-in' look-alike for the ReadAsArray function in GDAL, but with the option of specifying a margin width, such that the block actually read and returned will be larger by that many pixels. The returned array will ALWAYS contain these extra rows/cols, and if they do not exist in the file (e.g. because the margin would push off the edge of the file) then they will be filled with the given nullVal. Otherwise they will be read from the file along with the rest of the block. Variables within this function which have _margin as suffix are intended to designate variables which include the margin, as opposed to those without. This routine will cope with any specified region, even if it is entirely outside the given raster. The returned block would, in that case, be filled entirely with the null value. """ if layerselection is None: layerselection = [i+1 for i in range(ds.RasterCount)] nLayers = len(layerselection) # Create the final array, with margin, but filled with the null value. xSize_margin = xsize + 2 * margin ySize_margin = ysize + 2 * margin outBlockShape = (nLayers, ySize_margin, xSize_margin) # Create the empty output array, filled with the appropriate null value. block_margin = numpy.zeros(outBlockShape, dtype=datatype) if nullValList is not None and len(nullValList) > 0: # We really need something as a fill value, so if any of the # null values in the list is None, then replace it with 0. fillValList = [nullVal for nullVal in nullValList] for i in range(len(fillValList)): if fillValList[i] is None: fillValList[i] = 0 # Now use the appropriate null value for each layer as the # initial value in the output array for the block. if len(outBlockShape) == 2: block_margin.fill(fillValList[0]) else: for i in range(nLayers): block_margin[i].fill(fillValList[layerselection[i]-1]) # for (i, fillVal) in enumerate(fillValList): # block_margin[i].fill(fillVal) # Calculate the bounds of the block which we will actually read from the file, # based on what we have been asked for, what margin size, and how close we # are to the edge of the file. # The bounds of the whole image in the file imgLeftBound = 0 imgTopBound = 0 imgRightBound = ds.RasterXSize imgBottomBound = ds.RasterYSize # The region we will, in principle, read from the file. Note that xSize_margin # and ySize_margin are already calculated above xoff_margin = xoff - margin yoff_margin = yoff - margin # Restrict this to what is available in the file xoff_margin_file = max(xoff_margin, imgLeftBound) xoff_margin_file = min(xoff_margin_file, imgRightBound) xright_margin_file = xoff_margin + xSize_margin xright_margin_file = min(xright_margin_file, imgRightBound) xSize_margin_file = xright_margin_file - xoff_margin_file yoff_margin_file = max(yoff_margin, imgTopBound) yoff_margin_file = min(yoff_margin_file, imgBottomBound) ySize_margin_file = min(ySize_margin, imgBottomBound - yoff_margin_file) ybottom_margin_file = yoff_margin + ySize_margin ybottom_margin_file = min(ybottom_margin_file, imgBottomBound) ySize_margin_file = ybottom_margin_file - yoff_margin_file # How many pixels on each edge of the block we end up NOT reading from # the file, and thus have to leave as null in the array notRead_left = xoff_margin_file - xoff_margin notRead_right = xSize_margin - (notRead_left + xSize_margin_file) notRead_top = yoff_margin_file - yoff_margin notRead_bottom = ySize_margin - (notRead_top + ySize_margin_file) # The upper bounds on the slices specified to receive the data slice_right = xSize_margin - notRead_right slice_bottom = ySize_margin - notRead_bottom if xSize_margin_file > 0 and ySize_margin_file > 0: # Now read in the part of the array which we can actually read from the file. # Read each layer separately, to honour the layerselection # The part of the final array we are filling imageSlice = (slice(notRead_top, slice_bottom), slice(notRead_left, slice_right)) for i in range(nLayers): band = ds.GetRasterBand(layerselection[i]) block_margin[i][imageSlice] = band.ReadAsArray(xoff_margin_file, yoff_margin_file, xSize_margin_file, ySize_margin_file) return block_margin
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes all open datasets """ self.inputs.close()